MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
TODDLER GROUP 10 - 11.30 am Thursdays during Term Time, for 0-4 year olds with activities including games, crafts, play area, dressing up and much more.
WARM WELCOME from 12 noon until 2 pm Soup & Sandwich plus Tea & Coffee. Come and sit in the warmth of the building, enjoy lunch and make new friends. Everyone Welcome
Service of Holy Communion will start at 10.30 am and will be led by the Revd. Heather MacLeod.
STAY & PLAY Monday’s 10:00am - 11:00am - TERM TIME ONLY At St Andrew’s United Church Rowson Street New Brighton CH45 2LY For more information ring Seacombe Children Centre on: 0151 666 3506.
MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
TODDLER GROUP 10 - 11.30 am Thursdays during Term Time, for 0-4 year olds with activities including games, crafts, play area, dressing up and much more.
WARM WELCOME from 12 noon until 2 pm Soup & Sandwich plus Tea & Coffee. Come and sit in the warmth of the building, enjoy lunch and make new friends. Everyone Welcome
MORNING WORSHIP starts at 10.30 am and will be led by the Revd. Lorraine Aizlewood-Threlfall
STAY & PLAY Monday’s 10:00am - 11:00am - TERM TIME ONLY At St Andrew’s United Church Rowson Street New Brighton CH45 2LY For more information ring Seacombe Children Centre on: 0151 666 3506.
MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
TODDLER GROUP 10 - 11.30 am Thursdays during Term Time, for 0-4 year olds with activities including games, crafts, play area, dressing up and much more.
WARM WELCOME from 12 noon until 2 pm Soup & Sandwich plus Tea & Coffee. Come and sit in the warmth of the building, enjoy lunch and make new friends. Everyone Welcome
MORNING WORSHIP starts at 10.30 am and will be led by the Revd. Lorraine Aizlewood-Threlfall
MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
Seacombe Players present Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves Seacombe United Reformed Church, Brougham Road, Seacombe CH44 6PW Friday 21st February at 7.30pm; Saturday 22nd February at 2.30 pm; and Sunday 23rd February at 2.30 pm Tickets: Adults £5.00 and Children £3.00 Phone Anne: 0151 638 1004
WARM WELCOME from 12 noon until 2 pm Soup & Sandwich plus Tea & Coffee. Come and sit in the warmth of the building, enjoy lunch and make new friends. Everyone Welcome
Seacombe Players present Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves Seacombe United Reformed Church Brougham Road, CH44 6PW Friday 21st February at 7.30pm. Tickets: Adults £5.00 and Children £3.00 Phone Anne: 0151 638 1004
Seacombe Players present Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves Seacombe United Reformed Church, Brougham Road, Seacombe CH44 6PW Saturday 22nd February at 2.30 pm Tickets: Adults £5.00 and Children £3.00 Phone Anne: 0151 638 1004
Seacombe Players present Ali-Baba and the 40 thieves Seacombe United Reformed Church, Brougham Road, Seacombe CH44 6PW Sunday 23rd February at 2.30 pm Tickets: Adults £5.00 and Children £3.00 Phone Anne: 0151 638 1004
STAY & PLAY Monday’s 10:00am - 11:00am - TERM TIME ONLY At St Andrew’s United Church Rowson Street New Brighton CH45 2LY For more information ring Seacombe Children Centre on: 0151 666 3506.
MIDWEEK SERVICE & BIBLE STUDY Â will start at 10.30 am. Â Refreshments available following the service. EVERYONE WELCOME
CHURCH LUNCH – 12 noon – for more information please be in touch with Revd. Lorraine to book your place.
TODDLER GROUP 10 - 11.30 am Thursdays during Term Time, for 0-4 year olds with activities including games, crafts, play area, dressing up and much more.
WARM WELCOME from 12 noon until 2 pm Soup & Sandwich plus Tea & Coffee. Come and sit in the warmth of the building, enjoy lunch and make new friends. Everyone Welcome